Friday, April 4, 2014

Practice Profile Story

This quarter we had to make practice profile stories. We practiced with people from our groups and interviewed them about what there interests are or talents they might have. My team interviewed Kirklyn Nishida about how anime shaped her into the person she is today.

Our group had trouble getting things in on time. Honestly, we weren't that productive when we had to get into groups and work together. So when we had to turn in our final video, we weren't even done. We were one one of the few groups that didn't get our videos in.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Composition Techniques

During the first quarter of the school year, my G.T. class had a project called "Composition Techniques." It was a project showing what the composition techniques looked like. Composition Techniques are usually used when you are filming or taking pictures.

There are fourteen types of composition techniques, rule of thirds, framing, unusual angles, leading lines, emotion, action, close up, reaction, contrast in content, repetition of shapes, group shot, parts of a whole, horizontal, and vertical. These fourteen techniques will make your video go from good to great. They make your video look interesting and more fun to watch.